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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Third Age Traveler was contacted by Travel Channel's Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. If you’re not familiar with the show, find some time to watch it. Bizarre Foods is fascinating. Zimmern travels the globe sampling the weirdest foods imaginable. It may look like offal to me, but it is the cuisine of other cultures, and the intrepid Zimmern is fair in his evaluations. The show opens a window through which most of us will never peek on our own, and it is one of our favorite shows on The Travel Channel.

After the initial contact, I received a very intriguing package in the mail with some very interesting contents: an autographed photo of Andrew Zimmern which I share with you (only heaven knows what he is ladling out for us to see), a DVD of Bizarre Foods episodes (which we will definitely enjoy), and TWO BOXES OF FLAVORED, EDIBLE CRICKETS! Salt & Vinegar and Bacon & Cheese Yummy!!!??????

Not to keep this delicacy to ourselves, I took them to our Thursday night spot, The Landmark Inn, and over drinks, I offered them to our friends. I had two takers for the crickets and a camera to catch their reactions. Neither Rob nor Beth blinked an eye as they popped crickets into their mouths. Mike and Mary demurred. I, after all, was the photographer chronicling this extraordinary event. ;-) ;-) ;-)

Unanimously Rob and Beth declared the crickets tasted a lot like peanuts. Beth used the adjective “rancid.”

I didn't offer samples to anyone else in the Landmark, but I intend to continue to make them available as long as they last. I'll bring you the results of this taste test. Meanwhile, give Andrew Zimmern a chance. Try it; you'll like it. BTW, if you're interested in participating in this taste test, I'd be happy to try to arrange a meeting.


Heather Dugan (Footsteps) said...

Ha! If you ever have an urge to try one yourself, Wendy, I'd be happy to step in as photographer! "Rancid peanut"... Hmmm, wonder why they don't put that on a product label?

Heather Dugan (Footsteps) said...

Hmmm... I think you should do a follow-up interview with Rob and Beth to establish any longterm effects. Do they now walk through grassy areas with a fork in hand?

Wendy, a Blithe Spirit said...

LOL Actually Rob, inveterate gardener that he is, does a lot of grassy area walking every day. Even has a hoe with him. But he's not looking for crickets; he's on the lookout for snakes!

Anonymous said...

Wendy! Hi. I tried your salt and vinegar crickets. They were not good, but not too bad either. They were puffy like cheese doodles, not crunchy like I thought. The taste was pretty much like vinegar, but with, I guess, an underlying taste of cricket. Who would have thought? Well thank you for the experience!! Enjoy your travels.